Monday, November 30, 2009


CalebCrainReleasedAnArticleInTheNewYorkTimesAboutHowHeHatesCamelCode. WhoHatesCamelCode? It'sSimpleAndElegant.

Monday, November 23, 2009

iMac > Mac Pro

Gizmodo has published an article with many reasons why the Mac Pro is almost useless compared to the new iMac. The niche for Mac Pro is getting smaller by the day, as I love the new iMacs and find them perfect for many of the things that only the Mac Pro has been able to do in the past.

Justin Bieber's Twitter Twouble

Justin Bieber, who is the latest preteen boy to capture the creepy hearts of millions, has gotten into a tweetload of trouble. The VP of his record label was arrested for Bieber not tweeting a message. WTF?

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Gizmodo's Best iPhone apps of the week

In this week's charmingly tawdry app roundup: Voices, creepily modulated! Annoying trips to Kinkos, averted! Cats, artfully superimposed! Photos, easily shared! iPhone speakers, blown! Call of Duty, iPhone'd! Google Maps, humiliated! Certifiably good games, discounted! And more...
Personally I've tried Voices, and it's much fun! CatPaint looks much fun as well! though thoroughly useless.

3D Scanner

Using only a basic webcam, Qi Pan of the Cambridge University Engineering Department has created a program that will make a 3D model of any object shown to it. It works by "Delaunay tetrahedralisation of points obtained from on-line structure from motion estimation, followed by a probabilistic tetrahedron carving step to obtain a textured surface mesh of the object." which sounds like a string of made up words, but seems to work. Watch!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Smartpen App Store

Livescribe, the people behind the smartpen, have just said that they are opening an app store. It's official, everything now has an app store.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Commodore 64

After being kicked off the App store twice, The official Commodore 64 emulation app has been approved by Apple. Now in the app store for the low price of $5, the app boasts 8 playable games

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Digital Tattoo

The digital tattoo is a bluetooth system implanted under the skin that can be paired with stuff. It's powered by the sugars in it's person's bloodstream, for eternal power.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Samsung's Tiny Flash Memory

Samsung has invented the slimmest flash chips ever. At 30nm (only 4 times as thick as a cell membrane), Samsung claims they are "40% thinner and lighter than a conventional memory package."

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Worlds smallest 320GB HDD

With an interface speed of 3 Gbps, and a form factor of 1.8 inches, Toshiba's newest 320GB Hard drive is an adorable winner! It's small enough to fit in an iPod Classic and double the space!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Checkout at the Apple Store!

Before at the Apple stores, you'd be checked out by pinpad things which ran Windows Mobile. Now, Apple is creating a proprietary iPod Touch app and scanner attachment to confirm purchase.